Anne Renouf Story

by | Jul 5, 2023 | Residents Stories

Canopies and Their Earth: Theaters of the Sublime 

Lo and behold on Saturday, June 3rd at 4:50 pm, the Theatre of clues to Eternity did open there revealed for all to see was a Monarch Butterfly! Possibly the first time in several decades that a  Monarch has been spotted in DC in the wild, as distinct from those exhibits at the Arboretum or the Natural History Museum. Forest Hills, this phantasmagoric is its own force multiplier in survival among large plants which offer their own justification for existence of the Monarch’s survival itself. This world documents a feared inevitability of their final demise among a diffusestill hidden, world of manmade havoc The extinction for many reasons, at least the loss of habitats in the Monarch’s cycle of migration foiled by humankind. Flitting aloft in a flaming gloss of its orange and black wings a living signal of sun’s rays only to blown into foliage, alit from its kaleidoscopic itinerary abroad among the wings of fellow travelers. Descending in a dance of light onto a cluster of white blossoms resting amidst inviting cups of foliage. The dusty nectar offered by the bounty of fate thereby seal mutual futures Meanwhile on loftier climes, a nest did emerge, bearing the ambitions of a North  American Gray Squirrel and her partner. Before signs of Spring buds had made their greening known forth, they had awakened from their occasionally interrupted Winter stupor to engage in the search for sturdy reinforcements to their aerial bastionSoon they loop from limb to limb skipping on the oblique in search of their earthen trove of acorns hoping for lasts year’s stored economies. Larder depleted, both squirrels turned to become furry realtors attune to the production of new scouts: two, who grew prodigiously, in the case of the first, meekly in the case of the second, as though waiting for life to visit. Their mother expertly manages to bring the robust member of the litter to earth upside down with her young spirit’s scruff of its neck; robustus instantly became immersed in its own geography daringly, intrepidly, though unsteadily creeping to the edge of the grass ignoring the riches to be found on the earth on which he had been deposited for safe passage; only to be overtaken by the matter of “family participation“.  With a tiny gray sylph falling quickly behind in its mother’s mouth waiting for a place in line. As the two little packages now sat on the earth at the base of the tree, their mother firmly asserting their new family address. She proceeded up the head of the line with this small sibling waiting for its robust little brood member firmly tied to the grass. Their mother turned to find the little retinue breaking its regimentals: robustus had discovered a tree, apparently so; but he ruefully learned that a lamp post is a perpetual slide down to its own eternity and not for brachiating. Chagrined, he reverted to his troop position behind his mother and ahead of his little confrère, that tiny gray velvet package: off to the revelation of discovery, the hegira of maturity Seven weeks after they landed on earth upside down the two little gray scouts are still forging together. Discovery is youth at Forest Hills! To the loft as canopy of landscapes for Mankind, mole, to Wren. The Wren who has abjured the boughs and verdure of the trees to explore the virtues to be found in an environment of human devising known as an airduct: Wherein to construct its nest. Unique inventiveness might inspire dual use agreementwith humans! No wind, no rain, no sun, no predators! All the advantages of a highrise apartment with all the abilities to fly safely from the window. A pristine state depicting myriad active lessons derived so willingly from the side of Forest Hills wall amidst the otherwise welcoming, enfolding branches of the surrounding treesThe silent language of early adopters teaches! Forest Hills is its own agent of changeFollowing the Wren!  Onward the Nautilus with its Argonaut on the way to monthly portage.


Anne VP Renouf, a native of New York City spending some of her early youth on her family’s research farm in Massachusetts pursued many projects describing natural resources. Among them were included the founding of the Junior Audubon Society of Western Massachusetts, the founding of a national award-winning bloodline of Holstein Friesans, and the creation of a tree farm.  Attending secondary school and college in the Northeast, she devoted summertime to archaeological expeditions, extra studies in international economics, attendance and graduation from the Institute of World Affairs, and editorial projects at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California.  A Junior year Phi Beta Kappa, she won a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship to Yale or Harvard; she chose the former for logistical reasons. At yale, the winter of several competitive fellowships, she earned a (MA MPhil equivalent) in Anthropology and a PhD in a Synthesis of Physical and Social sciences, opening archives in Western Europe, while taking extra course in Law School; then on to Duke and American University where she earned a JD as a Dean’s Scholar and author of a volume in Judicature.   Having been an assistance instructor at Yale, she became an assistant professor at UNC Chapel Hill and Honorary officer at the US Department of State. She then accepted a US EPA team position of preparing regulations and guidelines nationally for the Water Pollution Control Act of 1972; to be followed by comparable positions at Erda-DoE and Ferc; further followed by the Directorship of the Energy Parks Program, a Federal Government wide program dedicated to research and implementation of energy conservation technology development and applications.    Shifting to the private sector, she became an advisor to an international institution engaged in innovations in hydro technologies from tidal barrages to run- of – the -stream mini-hydro; an advisor to a Franco -American firm concentrating in nuclear waste disposal; and advisor to the largest water utility in Europe with a US affiliate addressing water conservation and mergers and acquisition in the introduction of effective delivery of clean water.  She has assisted in the US Defense industries specifically contractors engaged in the start-up and mature firm organization and productivity of research affiliates, augmenting opportunities for venture capital. More recently, she has advised a mid- Atlantic consortium in the planning for adoption of infrastructure technologies by local and regional judications of which there were at that time One Hundred and forty-three. In parallel, she served as a member of the White House Commissions on Graduate Education, the white house council on competitiveness, and the boards of many advanced technologies association and private firms, for several of which she served as a co-founder. A Fellow of the Washington Academy of Science, she has authored many articles in the field of behavioral science. During this period she became of the Committee to Form the Women’s National Bank. Separately, she co-founded the Friends of the Corcoran and became a Board; during that time, she served on the board of the National Symphony. As the progenitor of diverse art exhibitions, she assisted in the formation of an early exhibition act the Washington World Gallery of Art.  She has been listed in various references including but not limited to Marquis Who’s who of America, Who’s who of industrial and finance, and Who’s who of American Women.

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